Thursday, November 27, 2014

My Thanks

So not exactly a book post but it's that time of year when everyone starts to say what they're thankful for and I figured I could roll with that. There's a lot I'm thankful even when things don't turn out like they should. 

First things first I'm thankful for my families, yes I said families. I have my regular family in which they put with me and my obsession with books even if they don't always agree with me. They are also always there no matter what decision I make. The other family is my friends who are just as crazy and nuts as me. Being able to know this group and consider their family yours as well has made me glad, that they all entered my life and are here to stay even if we don't see each other as much as we used to now that we have graduated from college.

I'm thankful for those men and women who can't be home with their families this holiday season. Thank you for your service and dedication to the country.

Yet another thing I'm thankful for is all the little things in life that happen that make day to day wonderful and hilarious. The book blogging community is something that has come into my life recently and I'm thankful because you are all wonderful people and very welcoming to newbies like myself.

There are many other things I'm thankful for but this happens to be the bulk of it. Remember even when something doesn't go as planned still be thankful for what you got even if its not a lot.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone (if you celebrate the holiday)

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